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Congratulations on the deep cooperation between CZL and Air-Tec!

View: 29062019/07/18  

CZL recently signed a three-year cooperation agreement with the Italian company Air-tec system. The two heads of Air-tec Company made a special trip to CZL Company to conduct cooperation and negotiation, inspected the production workshop and achieved satisfactory results.


Air-Tec system® is a leading company in dense phase pneumatic conveying systems with gaseous fluids (air or nitrogen). Founded in 1994, the company has developed a proprietary technology in order to handle and store a wide variety of bulk materials. Air-Tec system patented transporters are developed by highly competent and specialised engineers, and guarantee reliability and safety during the transportation of foods, as well as of fragile, abrasive, toxic, plastic, and lumpy materials. Air-Tec system’s quality procedures obtained the certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000.


Air-Tec system’s technology allows the movement of powder and granules inside of a pipeline for distances over 500 m and flow rates greater than 100 tons per hour. The low conveying speed not only preserves the quality and the integrity of the product but also the condition of the pipeline. The reduced quantity of air with a resulting energy saving. The use of the Air-Tec system technology for the dense phase pneumatic conveying of bulk materials not only has a cost savings benefit but enables en increased efficiency compared to the traditional mechanical transportation systems.



CZL company has been deeply involved in the transportation and processing of powder pellets in China for nearly 20 years. We continue to learn, grow and progress continuously. We hope to embark on a broader international stage, absorb more international elements, and international companies. Strong cooperation, on the one hand, better international professional technology to better serve the Chinese market, on the other hand, we will better serve the international market, especially the developing new market, with our accumulated experience and technology in the domestic market. We are all very confident.


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